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Meet MOYO 2020 WYCM Scholarship Recipient Kryn Dykema

Updated: May 28, 2020

Youth Change Makers

Kryn is heading to India this month to attend the World Youth Change Makers (WYCM) program. Kryn embodies the spirit of young people poised to become future leaders. WYCM helps them to become heart-centered leaders and gives them tools to achieve and sustain success.

“When I was very young I asked my dad why he spent so much more money than his siblings to host Thanksgiving at our house even though I thought we couldn’t afford it,” wrote Kryn. “He said to me that life is happier when we give back, that giving more than we receive is the truest most secret source of happiness there is.”

Kryn took his father’s philosophy to heart and also gives back volunteering for food rescue and homeless organizations. He finds both creative and spiritual expression through dance.

“Dance is my mode of expression and decompression and relaxation… I have been to countless 5 Rhythms retreats and dance events with the community, “ he continued. “Any chance I get to volunteer, make a difference... I try to say yes. Living in connection is my ultimate fascination.”

“I believe that I have been on an awakening path since day one. My heart desires to be deeply, soulfully engaged in my life. My heart desires to live in passionate spiritual service to something larger than myself, something that connects me to the essence of human nature.”

“I have brought many people into the spiritual fold, helping people find the path, the practice, or the community that is right for them. Once I began awakening there was no shutting it off, luckily the great divine energy has blessed me with brothers and sisters whose journeys I support and who support my journey. My sharing of my practices and spirituality usually isn’t willful or even conscious to the mind but happens because of my energy when I talk about spirituality others are drawn to the light of awakening.“


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