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Your Mind is a Garden That Needs Tending

Cultivating Peace and Happiness as a State of Mind Requires Attention and Care

Diligent gardening is rewarded with beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables. Our minds require the same kind of tending to remain happy and at peace. We need to work with the conditions we have at hand. Some spots are sunnier than others. Different plants thrive in different zones. Skillful responses enable us to succeed in a variety of environments.

For instance, take a look at planting annuals and perennials. Some practices lead to short term beauty and others create lasting endowments. Let's celebrate both.

Just as plants set down roots, your mind also needs to feel secure and supported. Regard yourself with compassion.

Weeding removes obstructions. You have to clear away weeds, as well as rocks and debris to make room for plants. To enable positive thoughts, say goodbye to distractions and grudges.

You have to prune on a regular basis. Trim the rough edges and prevent clutter. Act quickly to head off bad habits. Refine your performance all the time.

In the garden of your mind, design paths. Walkways provide a sense of order as well as options. They lead from one stage to the next. They help you to focus on your vision.

Everything needs nourishment. Water and food promote growth. Keep your mind in top shape with meaningful work and sufficient relaxation. Develop your talents and get plenty of sleep.

Regardless of whether the goal is the short-term beauty of annuals or the lasting endowments of perennials, we must start where we are by first preparing the ground.

Take this affirmation to get started: Today, I cultivate the garden of my mind, so it can attract butterflies and songbirds - opportunities for transformation and reflection. I invite friends and my loved ones - supportive thoughts and ideas, to share in my garden. I look forward to a harvest of joy and contentment.

Reflect on these questions and journal your responses:

1. What methods can I use to tend to my mind?

2. How does caring for my mind enhance my life?

3. What are some signs that my mind needs more attention and nurturing?

Training the mind to focus is only the beginning of an expansive journey... a beautiful journey. It is a journey of fulfillment that brings a burst of resplendent color, fragrance and symmetry. As your awareness grows and your heart blossoms, it opens glorious new pathways where it is possible to transcend the mind.


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